Samsung G532G Unlock Done With Z3X

Selected model: SM-G532G
Software version: 27.5
Waiting ADB device... Ok
Reading phone info...
Model: SM-G532G
Android version: 6.0.1
Product code: SM-G532GZDDXME
Phone version: G532GDXU1APJ2
PDA version: G532GDXU1APJ3
CSC version:
CSC country code:
CSC sales code:
HW version: MP 0.300
Phone SN: R58HB16RT1R
Chip name: MT6737T
Modem board: MT6737T
RF cal date: 20161105
Checking Super user right... true
Reading security... Ok
Unlocking... Ok
Writing security... Ok
Rebooting phone... Ok
Unlock done
ROOT File Uploding
Done with Samsung Tool PRO v.27.5
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