Real Steel HD - game for android is written based on the movie "Real Steel". The plot is as follows - the distant future ... the sport of boxing is forbidden in mind its cruelty, but there is change - fighting robots. Who loses - is sent to the dump!Rules of Engagement does not exist - as they say in war all means are good. So, you have 2 options:
- Tournament - spend fighting with 8 rivals, each of which subsequent stronger, more agile, quicker and smarter.
- Sparring - Choose your robot and its opponent and hold fights.
- Screenshots
- Video
Download game Real Steel HD
Download Apkv1.22.2 [33.75 MB]
How to install?
Real Steel HD: folder from the archive to unpack in / sdcard / Android / Data / - should get so /sdcard/Android/data/com.jumpgames.RealSteel/ - decompressed cache size 356 MB
Download DATA[151.46 MB]
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