Heroes of SoulCraft - MOBA - tactical game that takes you into the arena where you fight against the forces of evil. In this game, the angels will battle against the demons in team fights to become the Dragon Warrior, to defeat the enemy and restore the destruction of their world. Select one of the 12 soldiers - it could dwarf with an ax fighter dinosaurs, magician, Princess of colors and many others and get involved in the rapidly developing contractions that last from five to fifteen minutes.In this game you are waiting for exciting action full of action and fun fighting 2 on 2 or 4 by 4. Collect your invincible team of heroes and send them to fight the witchers and dragons.
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Download game Heroes of SoulCraft - MOBA
[post_ad]Download Apkv0.9.5 [19.8 MB]
How to install?
Heroes of SoulCraft - MOBA: folder from the archive to unpack in / sdcard / Android / OBB / - should get so /sdcard/Android/obb/de.mobilebits.soulcraftarena/ - size of the decompressed data 68Mb
Download Data[67.6 MB]
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